Another Year Over and a New One Just Begun
So this time last year, I was brand new to Eighth Street Boarding House. I was quiet, I was cynical, and I basically hated the world. That was because my aunt and uncle had basically isolated me and moved to Idaho with their new kids. And that made me come here with reservations, and I was guarded, and I was very critical of everything. And my first real friend that didn't betray me was Ivy.
And here comes my rant about Ivy. Ivy was my absolute best friend, even when she was from 1976 and even when Robin came and wanted to be my best friend. Ivy was always my best friend, and she was, for the lack of a better comparison, like a sister to me. And I thought she felt the same. Until school started this year and Ivy met Lucy.
I don't like Lucy, and especially not after she moved into the boarding house. Ivy and Lucy are obviously inseparable and it's not fair, because I didn't do anything to Ivy to offend her, and then she just leaves me to be best friends with Lucy. And Lucy is all hippie-dippie, she's a poet and a guitarist, she writes fiction and sings, she plays the piano and writes short paragraphs on her favorite songs, movies and celebrities. And she's from 1976, so she and Ivy have a lot in common, I guess.
But the worst thing about Lucy is that she is always condescending towards me. And then she turns around and is all sweet cakes and honeydew to everyone else, so if I try to complain about her, they think I'm the terrible one. Except for Robin, who is my best friend now. She is really supportive, and really caring, so she doesn't like Lucy because of how Lucy treats me.
But guess what? Robin revealed that she's found a group of teenagers in Buffalo Hill, which is 20 minutes from where we live, that do historical re-enactments for fun. And I love princesses and the first re-enactment is from the American Revolution era or something, and it's on January 8th, so I'm excited. Robin went to the community center two days ago, and brought back the dress I'll wear, and it's purple and it's gorgeous. I am actually really excited. I think I found a new activity!
So I'm about to sign off because we decided that we should all take a New Year's picture, but I want to end with a new Scrapbook.
11 Things about Me.
Um, sorry, but Blogger is stupid and it isn't working. But, luckily, Picasa exists and so here is my very own album:
11 Things About Me
So, off to get changed and take a picture. Have a Happy New Year!
So I took this blog after some girl moved out. My name is Delilah Bailey, and this is my life
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Technical Stuff
So I did just post a new blog less than an hour ago, but I wanted to just see what you thought of the new look of my background. I love purple, don't get me wrong, but I felt that maybe it was time that I got a new look for my blog. It's the closest I could get to aqua turquoise, which is my favorite color. I hate green, though, and am not so fond of pink. I like yellow and orange, too.
And I'm thinking of doing an FAQ soon: if you have any questions about me, or about my friends or family, or even random questions, then leave a comment below or send an e-mail to
So sorry to interrupt your blog reading, dear lone reader. Don't hesitate to read my new post below.
And I'm thinking of doing an FAQ soon: if you have any questions about me, or about my friends or family, or even random questions, then leave a comment below or send an e-mail to
So sorry to interrupt your blog reading, dear lone reader. Don't hesitate to read my new post below.
Potter, Apocalypse, New Girls
Hey, wouldn't you know it? It's August.
Um, I've been super busy, what with school finishing, and my plethora of volunteer activities that I participate in to further enhance the amount of value I hold in my community.
Yeah, right.
In reality, I've been lazing around since April. I had two year end exams, but one was for English and it's pretty much an easy class for me (aside from dealing with my Mentil teacher) so I didn't study. And I still got an "A". My other exam was math, and let's just say I had the choice of doing math in summer school, or retaking Math 9. I chose to retake it in September, because it is just too hot to leave this place. What is with this weather? The end of June was breezy, and occasionally wet, but then comes July and now it's been sunny and dry for five weeks straight. And I don't know if you've ever faced hot weather during the summer, but sometimes it is so hot that I don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning. But I've had to for the past two weeks because I've been plant sitting for our neighbours. I know, I know. I'm 14 1/2 and I'm babysitting plants? But here's the reasoning: there is a thrift store two miles from downtown Pleasantville and they have the entire set of Harry Potter books. I already have the first two, but I've only ever read up to the middle of Phoenix. So I will buy those books, and I will finish the series in time for the movie in November.
On the same Potter note, my friend Jaycee, who is possibly more into Potter than I am, just came home yesterday. While she was at her cousin's, her cousin's best friend introduced Jaycee to some internet Potter musical. So now Jaycee is convinced that I will find it hilarious, and she wants me to watch both musicals with her soon. I've kept her off my back for the time being by telling her I should read the two and a half books that I haven't read before watching the musicals. But I just don't know how I feel about this musical. I mean, Harry Potter is one awesome thing, and musicals are another good thing. Truthfully, I only love Glee and cannot stand most other musicals, but I guess Glee cancels out the musicals I don't like and so I feel neutral about musicals. Let me put it this way: you won't see me at a Broadway show anytime soon, but you won't see me on youtube, vlogging about how musicals will cause 2012's destruction. (Which I think is baloney, of course. What do you think? Discuss.)
Okay, so I know that some of you, nay, my one reader, is curious about the new arrivals. Don't get your $24- $32 outfits in a twist, because they aren't that interesting. They aren't wealthy orphans from Mt Bedford 1904, or a Russian Jewish child of immigrants in New York 1914. There are three new arrivals: two that I mentioned in my last post, and a new one, who I think is a girl.
The 1900's-1910's girl is Virginia Cole. She's a 12 year old blue eyed blonde from southern New York state. She loves to read, is very quiet, and is best friends with Nicki.
The 1990's girl is Robin McCarthy, and she's my other best friend (Ivy is, and always will be, my first best friend.) She's 13, with freckles and green eyes. She hates her red hair, and really wants to dye it blonde (Her mother refuses to allow her.) Robin is a ton of fun, and loves music videos, Babysitter Club books, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. She wants to be a New Mousekateer or a pop star like Madonna. Good luck to her when she realizes that neither of those things exists anymore.
And finally, the newest girl took the place of sweet/ annoying 7 year old Chrissa Marie Charlotte Maxwell, the half sister of my apparent doppelganger Daphne Hepburn. Both girls live in Arizona with their aunt, so once Chrissa left, we needed someone to take her place. The person who came claimed to be a guy named James Paul Sherwood, and seemed like a cool guy. Until "James" turned out to actually be a girl, 13 years old, and as manipulative as a queen bee. Her name, coincidentally, is Chrissa Maxwell, and she looks pretty much just like the Old Chrissa. The only difference is that New Chrissa isn't Old Chrissa. New Chrissa is rude, she treats everyone terribly, she exaggerates a great deal, and nobody seems to care much that she acts this way. She plans to win a Tony, an Oscar and an Emmy, not to mention an "Honorary Grammy for not having to sing anything." by the age of 18. Good luck to her, because Pleasant County is on the Washington-Canadian border, and she's from South Dakota. And she's never been to either New York or to L.A. Though she claims otherwise.
So that's it for me this week, dear reader. I haven't much else to say: this summer's been like a Wednesday school day, and I suspect it isn't going to get much better. Although I heard that some of the girls here are planning to go to Camp Gowonagin, up at Piney Point, later this August. I think it would be kind of fun, though I'd have to go with Ivy and Robin.
Book I'm reading: Re-reading Chamber of Secrets: I've somehow misplaced my Philosopher's Stone and so I really own the one Harry Potter book: that is, until I buy the other five books at the thrift store, and then the whole series will be mine. Hahaha.
Music I'm listening to: Um, some Across The Universe stuff. It isn't mine, it's on Her iPod, so I can say I don't like Across The Universe that much. I used to, but now that I've decided I only really like music from Help! or from Rubber Soul, or from Revolver, ATU is irrelevent for me because it focuses more on the psycedelic Beatles.
Favorite Glee episode: "Dream On". What a great ending to a more-or-less terrific season. Plus, great guest star, am I right? Wait, this wasn't the season finale? Well...
Least Favorite Glee episode: A lot of the "Back Nine" (post- Idol) episodes were less than mediocre, which sucked, but I'd have to say that "Journey" was the worst. I won't give too much away, but the main focus of this episode was based on that one single they did a year ago that I never liked in the first place. Should have put 'Dream On' after 'Journey', or just remove 'Journey' from the entire show.

This is the face of adorable that Robin is obsessed over. On a completely separate note, do you know anyone crushing on someone who is 30 years old?

This is what my Ron Weasley looks like.

Though I certainly don't mind what Warner Brother's Ron Weasley looks like.

But this guy from the Harry Potter musicals looks nothing like my Ron, or Mr Awesome Grint. Let's list some anachronisms (Great fun.)
- Blue headband? What?
- Oreos? The Hogwarts Express didn't have any mars bars for Harry, why does this Ron get Oreos?
I'm already not looking forward to watching this musical.
Um, I've been super busy, what with school finishing, and my plethora of volunteer activities that I participate in to further enhance the amount of value I hold in my community.
Yeah, right.
In reality, I've been lazing around since April. I had two year end exams, but one was for English and it's pretty much an easy class for me (aside from dealing with my Mentil teacher) so I didn't study. And I still got an "A". My other exam was math, and let's just say I had the choice of doing math in summer school, or retaking Math 9. I chose to retake it in September, because it is just too hot to leave this place. What is with this weather? The end of June was breezy, and occasionally wet, but then comes July and now it's been sunny and dry for five weeks straight. And I don't know if you've ever faced hot weather during the summer, but sometimes it is so hot that I don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning. But I've had to for the past two weeks because I've been plant sitting for our neighbours. I know, I know. I'm 14 1/2 and I'm babysitting plants? But here's the reasoning: there is a thrift store two miles from downtown Pleasantville and they have the entire set of Harry Potter books. I already have the first two, but I've only ever read up to the middle of Phoenix. So I will buy those books, and I will finish the series in time for the movie in November.
On the same Potter note, my friend Jaycee, who is possibly more into Potter than I am, just came home yesterday. While she was at her cousin's, her cousin's best friend introduced Jaycee to some internet Potter musical. So now Jaycee is convinced that I will find it hilarious, and she wants me to watch both musicals with her soon. I've kept her off my back for the time being by telling her I should read the two and a half books that I haven't read before watching the musicals. But I just don't know how I feel about this musical. I mean, Harry Potter is one awesome thing, and musicals are another good thing. Truthfully, I only love Glee and cannot stand most other musicals, but I guess Glee cancels out the musicals I don't like and so I feel neutral about musicals. Let me put it this way: you won't see me at a Broadway show anytime soon, but you won't see me on youtube, vlogging about how musicals will cause 2012's destruction. (Which I think is baloney, of course. What do you think? Discuss.)
Okay, so I know that some of you, nay, my one reader, is curious about the new arrivals. Don't get your $24- $32 outfits in a twist, because they aren't that interesting. They aren't wealthy orphans from Mt Bedford 1904, or a Russian Jewish child of immigrants in New York 1914. There are three new arrivals: two that I mentioned in my last post, and a new one, who I think is a girl.
The 1900's-1910's girl is Virginia Cole. She's a 12 year old blue eyed blonde from southern New York state. She loves to read, is very quiet, and is best friends with Nicki.
The 1990's girl is Robin McCarthy, and she's my other best friend (Ivy is, and always will be, my first best friend.) She's 13, with freckles and green eyes. She hates her red hair, and really wants to dye it blonde (Her mother refuses to allow her.) Robin is a ton of fun, and loves music videos, Babysitter Club books, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. She wants to be a New Mousekateer or a pop star like Madonna. Good luck to her when she realizes that neither of those things exists anymore.
And finally, the newest girl took the place of sweet/ annoying 7 year old Chrissa Marie Charlotte Maxwell, the half sister of my apparent doppelganger Daphne Hepburn. Both girls live in Arizona with their aunt, so once Chrissa left, we needed someone to take her place. The person who came claimed to be a guy named James Paul Sherwood, and seemed like a cool guy. Until "James" turned out to actually be a girl, 13 years old, and as manipulative as a queen bee. Her name, coincidentally, is Chrissa Maxwell, and she looks pretty much just like the Old Chrissa. The only difference is that New Chrissa isn't Old Chrissa. New Chrissa is rude, she treats everyone terribly, she exaggerates a great deal, and nobody seems to care much that she acts this way. She plans to win a Tony, an Oscar and an Emmy, not to mention an "Honorary Grammy for not having to sing anything." by the age of 18. Good luck to her, because Pleasant County is on the Washington-Canadian border, and she's from South Dakota. And she's never been to either New York or to L.A. Though she claims otherwise.
So that's it for me this week, dear reader. I haven't much else to say: this summer's been like a Wednesday school day, and I suspect it isn't going to get much better. Although I heard that some of the girls here are planning to go to Camp Gowonagin, up at Piney Point, later this August. I think it would be kind of fun, though I'd have to go with Ivy and Robin.
Book I'm reading: Re-reading Chamber of Secrets: I've somehow misplaced my Philosopher's Stone and so I really own the one Harry Potter book: that is, until I buy the other five books at the thrift store, and then the whole series will be mine. Hahaha.
Music I'm listening to: Um, some Across The Universe stuff. It isn't mine, it's on Her iPod, so I can say I don't like Across The Universe that much. I used to, but now that I've decided I only really like music from Help! or from Rubber Soul, or from Revolver, ATU is irrelevent for me because it focuses more on the psycedelic Beatles.
Favorite Glee episode: "Dream On". What a great ending to a more-or-less terrific season. Plus, great guest star, am I right? Wait, this wasn't the season finale? Well...
Least Favorite Glee episode: A lot of the "Back Nine" (post- Idol) episodes were less than mediocre, which sucked, but I'd have to say that "Journey" was the worst. I won't give too much away, but the main focus of this episode was based on that one single they did a year ago that I never liked in the first place. Should have put 'Dream On' after 'Journey', or just remove 'Journey' from the entire show.

This is the face of adorable that Robin is obsessed over. On a completely separate note, do you know anyone crushing on someone who is 30 years old?

This is what my Ron Weasley looks like.

Though I certainly don't mind what Warner Brother's Ron Weasley looks like.

But this guy from the Harry Potter musicals looks nothing like my Ron, or Mr Awesome Grint. Let's list some anachronisms (Great fun.)
- Blue headband? What?
- Oreos? The Hogwarts Express didn't have any mars bars for Harry, why does this Ron get Oreos?
I'm already not looking forward to watching this musical.
Harry Potter,
Ron Weasley,
Sarcastic Rants,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Haha, it's been less than a month since I've updated! Success!
But it can't be too long today, cause I've got to work on a book report. It seems like every class at J.R. Dahling Junior High, which is my school, is reading Shakespeare, and it is so stupid and I hate it. We're reading Macbeth in my English class (My homeroom/ math/art/pain-in-the-butt teacher Ms. Kingkos deciphered that I was "credibly intelligent enough to advance past Grade Nine English, and soar up to Grade 10 English." She also felt it was necessary to call this to attention in front of my whole class, and to announce to the class that I was very proud of this. She didn't even ask me how I felt.
So now, my Grade ten English teacher (Mr.Mentil (Yes, I am serious, his last name is 'mental', although poorly spelt.)) is making us not only read Macbeth, but also watch video clips for every scene, and act out each scene in front of the class. I don't know if you've read it, but Macbeth is basically all monologues. Especially everything that Lady Macbeth says. I swear, if Lady Macbeth says one more pointless and incomprehensible thing, I'll go to my grave swearing that Nicki is her re-incarnation. Nicki actually came up to me on Monday evening after supper to "provide several tips on how to improve your general personality." She then started to say stuff like "You read too much, but socialize too little" and "You still have to choose an out of school activity so that you can be a positive influence on our community", except with so many more adjectives. She then criticized how I doodle on "good homework paper" to draw cartoon characters. Well, sorry, but it isn't my fault that I am madly obsessed with Schroeder from Peanuts. I totally understand what he says and stuff. That Lucy is just a crab, and too sickly-sweet for Schroeder. She knows nothing about Beethoven, which is very annoying for Schroeder, I can imagine.
Ivy saw one of my Schroeder drawings a few nights ago. To my surprise, she knew exactly who it was. After convincing her that I did not draw it freehand (I trace my drawings off the computer screen.) I found out that she likes the Peanuts as much as I do! Though she likes Snoopy the best, which is totally okay. She says that her friend from San Fransisco, Julie, liked Lucy a lot. I hate Julie already.
She (not Ivy, the big person that could very possibly go insane and totally goAT-AT on all of us) is apparently moving. Ivy and I have decided that we do not like moving. Use your own imagination, because I am too tired to rant.
What else? Oh, She wants us to start thinking about summer camps and stuff. I'd like to maybe go and do a play at a camp, but only if Ivy will do it with me. She's also ordering some stuff from American Girl. I am crossing my fingers that there will be converse shoes. I love my red ones and all, but I really can't wear red all the time!! :S
Book I'm Reading: Macbeth. Urgh. See above for my thoughts on Macbeth. My teacher gives us so much to pre-read for homework, that I never have time for leisurely reading anymore.
Song I'm Listening To: I've gotten Ivy into The Beatles. She's heard of them, of course, but she's never really heard much of their songs. She and I have different time periods that we like best: Ivy likes the whole 1967's-ish kind of time, with Yellow Submarine and Sgt Peppers and all that, but I'm still for 1965 , with Help! and Rubber Soul and stuff. I just think Help! (The Movie) is so zany and wacky and I can't believe that I used the word zany.
One more note: 33 1/2 MORE DAYS UNTIL GLEE!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! I'm going to force Ivy to watch it with me. I don't care if she gets an eye infection from watching it (The Historicals get really weird infections from touching/ seeing modern stuff for too long) because I know she'll like it.
Another note: The two new girls have come. One is from the 1900s, and I don't know her too well, but she reads a lot and dresses up sometimes in weird clothes. I should really get to know her better.
The other new girl is pretty cool. I can't remember how old she is, but she seems pretty cool. I think she's just a bit shy, because she's always playing with her pet dacshund (?). But while we had an Oscar party here, Ivy, the new girl, and I all opted to skip the ceremony (Boo! to the Academy for not giving any Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Narnia movies the Best Picture, and double Boo! for giving Movie!LOTR 3 a Best Picture. The book is WAY better.) and read She's book of Movie trivia. I never knew that James Cameron had made another movie before attempting to make Avatar. But his other movie has Loser Leo in it, and I despise him. On the other hand, he might drown on the boat. Maybe I'll watch it after all.
No scrapbook tonight cause I'm just way too tired.
But it can't be too long today, cause I've got to work on a book report. It seems like every class at J.R. Dahling Junior High, which is my school, is reading Shakespeare, and it is so stupid and I hate it. We're reading Macbeth in my English class (My homeroom/ math/art/pain-in-the-butt teacher Ms. Kingkos deciphered that I was "credibly intelligent enough to advance past Grade Nine English, and soar up to Grade 10 English." She also felt it was necessary to call this to attention in front of my whole class, and to announce to the class that I was very proud of this. She didn't even ask me how I felt.
So now, my Grade ten English teacher (Mr.Mentil (Yes, I am serious, his last name is 'mental', although poorly spelt.)) is making us not only read Macbeth, but also watch video clips for every scene, and act out each scene in front of the class. I don't know if you've read it, but Macbeth is basically all monologues. Especially everything that Lady Macbeth says. I swear, if Lady Macbeth says one more pointless and incomprehensible thing, I'll go to my grave swearing that Nicki is her re-incarnation. Nicki actually came up to me on Monday evening after supper to "provide several tips on how to improve your general personality." She then started to say stuff like "You read too much, but socialize too little" and "You still have to choose an out of school activity so that you can be a positive influence on our community", except with so many more adjectives. She then criticized how I doodle on "good homework paper" to draw cartoon characters. Well, sorry, but it isn't my fault that I am madly obsessed with Schroeder from Peanuts. I totally understand what he says and stuff. That Lucy is just a crab, and too sickly-sweet for Schroeder. She knows nothing about Beethoven, which is very annoying for Schroeder, I can imagine.
Ivy saw one of my Schroeder drawings a few nights ago. To my surprise, she knew exactly who it was. After convincing her that I did not draw it freehand (I trace my drawings off the computer screen.) I found out that she likes the Peanuts as much as I do! Though she likes Snoopy the best, which is totally okay. She says that her friend from San Fransisco, Julie, liked Lucy a lot. I hate Julie already.
She (not Ivy, the big person that could very possibly go insane and totally goAT-AT on all of us) is apparently moving. Ivy and I have decided that we do not like moving. Use your own imagination, because I am too tired to rant.
What else? Oh, She wants us to start thinking about summer camps and stuff. I'd like to maybe go and do a play at a camp, but only if Ivy will do it with me. She's also ordering some stuff from American Girl. I am crossing my fingers that there will be converse shoes. I love my red ones and all, but I really can't wear red all the time!! :S
Book I'm Reading: Macbeth. Urgh. See above for my thoughts on Macbeth. My teacher gives us so much to pre-read for homework, that I never have time for leisurely reading anymore.
Song I'm Listening To: I've gotten Ivy into The Beatles. She's heard of them, of course, but she's never really heard much of their songs. She and I have different time periods that we like best: Ivy likes the whole 1967's-ish kind of time, with Yellow Submarine and Sgt Peppers and all that, but I'm still for 1965 , with Help! and Rubber Soul and stuff. I just think Help! (The Movie) is so zany and wacky and I can't believe that I used the word zany.
One more note: 33 1/2 MORE DAYS UNTIL GLEE!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! I'm going to force Ivy to watch it with me. I don't care if she gets an eye infection from watching it (The Historicals get really weird infections from touching/ seeing modern stuff for too long) because I know she'll like it.
Another note: The two new girls have come. One is from the 1900s, and I don't know her too well, but she reads a lot and dresses up sometimes in weird clothes. I should really get to know her better.
The other new girl is pretty cool. I can't remember how old she is, but she seems pretty cool. I think she's just a bit shy, because she's always playing with her pet dacshund (?). But while we had an Oscar party here, Ivy, the new girl, and I all opted to skip the ceremony (Boo! to the Academy for not giving any Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Narnia movies the Best Picture, and double Boo! for giving Movie!LOTR 3 a Best Picture. The book is WAY better.) and read She's book of Movie trivia. I never knew that James Cameron had made another movie before attempting to make Avatar. But his other movie has Loser Leo in it, and I despise him. On the other hand, he might drown on the boat. Maybe I'll watch it after all.
No scrapbook tonight cause I'm just way too tired.
Harry Potter,
Star Wars,
The Beatles
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
Like Harry Potter in Book Five, I am not a big fan of Valentine's Day. Unlike Harry Potter, it isn't because I was left by Cho Chang at Hogsmeade. If you have read my older posts, which you probably haven't because I've gotten, like, one reader, you would know that I haven't had the best luck with boys in the past. Matt, as you might know, my biggest crush, was taken by one of my "friends". And then boys started to avoid me because I was weird.
But now I feel more comfortable in my life. It's like I've escaped Mrs. Macready by escaping through the wardrobe into Narnia, where life for me is more peaceful. Hopefully I won't be having to fight any White Witches soon, ha ha! :)
But I guess I have met my Mr Tumnus: his name is Joah and I think he is as attractive as some of the Weasley boys. More so than Percy and Charlie and Fred, but on the same level as Bill and George. Ron is just a tad bit more attractive than Joah. Really, Ron is a tad bit more attractive than anyone.
She says that Joah likes bad girls. I can be bad. I've drowned so many people on Rollercoaster Tycoon Two that it's not even funny.
I hope that Joah reads this blog: if you do, Joah, I would very much to like to know you.

So the Olympics are coming up too. I have never been too much into sports, but because She lives and breathes the 2010 Winter Olympics, that kinda means we do too. But the Historical girls, they don't have to participate in the festivities. I hate being told I have to like something that I shouldn't like. It's just like in Star Wars, with me being Leia and the Olympics being Han Solo. Sure, to the untrained eye it might seem like they're madly in love, but give me LukexLeia over that Jones clone any day. Come on, you can totally see that Leia has obviously lost all feelings for Solo by the sixth movie!
Star Wars: A New Hope is almost thirty three years old! I can't believe that it has been that long since George Lucas came up with the five best space movies in history! (We'll talk about number one.) And yet this new girl, Ivy, claims she has never heard of it, even though she's from the 70s. This very much so depressed me, because when I heard that a new historical from the 70s was coming, I was ready for intense Star Wars discussion. But then Ivy came from 1976, and was all like "I don't think I would be interested in a science fiction movie, but I like your shoes." and then I forgot everything about Star Wars and now Ivy and I are best friends, along with Andi who is a bit friendlier. I guess since the soccer field has been shut down for three months because of weather, Andi has lost interest in soccer. She likes being girly now, too, which is scary. She wants to take figure skating and be in the Olympics in 2014. She also has a huge celeb crush on the boy from "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" and is very much into "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "The Incredibles" because she likes the name 'Violet'.
Have to finish up, because it is past lights-out. The two Colonial girls, Felicity and Elizabeth, have moved out. The girls who have lived here longer were sad, except for Nicki. She really has no feelings I guess. She was all like: "Oh you're leaving? See you and please do not let the door hit you on the way out."
Well, I could swear she told Felicity that.
So there are seven of us now, but rumor is that She is inviting two more girls to come and live with us. I hope one of them is as intellectually stimulated as I am.
Well, I'd better sign off. Tomorrow is a day off of school, and a completely free day, because She is going to the Olympics all day long. So here we go:
1) Sit in bed and read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the eighth time this year.
2) Play a game of Chinese Checkers and Sorry with Ivy and Andi.
3) Watch the Samantha movie with Chrissa, who has been begging for someone to watch it with. I said yes because I have the doll Nellie from the Samantha series. Oh yes, by the way, I got an American Girl doll from Elizabeth and She for Christmas. It was quite great, seeing as I have a fondness for American Girl doll collecting.
4) Probably help Nicki in the kitchen. Even though she's a total tattling brat (but shh on that because I think she likes me because I'm quiet) she does not deserve to do everything by herself.
5) Watch the Olympics on TV. Maybe they'll have a picture of Sumi.
6) Continue reading Harry Potter, then log onto She's computer and surf through Narnia wiki, Wookiepedia, etc etc. Also look at photos on AG Playthings and expand my growing wishlist.
See you for now,
Book I'm Reading: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. My goal is to have it memorized by 2011.
Sing I'm listening to: None. She thinks I'm asleep, and I should be, so I'm not risking it by playing any music.
Pics for this Post:
Andi is obsessed with the name Violet because of her...

And her:

See? Isn't he 100x more attractive than the "Graffiti" guy?

Sumi: AKA the last Olympic Mascot that was left when She asked me to name my favorite: she thinks its because I'm "different", I say it's because She is obsessed.

Andi's celebrity crush. Just eww.
But now I feel more comfortable in my life. It's like I've escaped Mrs. Macready by escaping through the wardrobe into Narnia, where life for me is more peaceful. Hopefully I won't be having to fight any White Witches soon, ha ha! :)
But I guess I have met my Mr Tumnus: his name is Joah and I think he is as attractive as some of the Weasley boys. More so than Percy and Charlie and Fred, but on the same level as Bill and George. Ron is just a tad bit more attractive than Joah. Really, Ron is a tad bit more attractive than anyone.
She says that Joah likes bad girls. I can be bad. I've drowned so many people on Rollercoaster Tycoon Two that it's not even funny.
I hope that Joah reads this blog: if you do, Joah, I would very much to like to know you.

So the Olympics are coming up too. I have never been too much into sports, but because She lives and breathes the 2010 Winter Olympics, that kinda means we do too. But the Historical girls, they don't have to participate in the festivities. I hate being told I have to like something that I shouldn't like. It's just like in Star Wars, with me being Leia and the Olympics being Han Solo. Sure, to the untrained eye it might seem like they're madly in love, but give me LukexLeia over that Jones clone any day. Come on, you can totally see that Leia has obviously lost all feelings for Solo by the sixth movie!
Star Wars: A New Hope is almost thirty three years old! I can't believe that it has been that long since George Lucas came up with the five best space movies in history! (We'll talk about number one.) And yet this new girl, Ivy, claims she has never heard of it, even though she's from the 70s. This very much so depressed me, because when I heard that a new historical from the 70s was coming, I was ready for intense Star Wars discussion. But then Ivy came from 1976, and was all like "I don't think I would be interested in a science fiction movie, but I like your shoes." and then I forgot everything about Star Wars and now Ivy and I are best friends, along with Andi who is a bit friendlier. I guess since the soccer field has been shut down for three months because of weather, Andi has lost interest in soccer. She likes being girly now, too, which is scary. She wants to take figure skating and be in the Olympics in 2014. She also has a huge celeb crush on the boy from "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" and is very much into "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "The Incredibles" because she likes the name 'Violet'.
Have to finish up, because it is past lights-out. The two Colonial girls, Felicity and Elizabeth, have moved out. The girls who have lived here longer were sad, except for Nicki. She really has no feelings I guess. She was all like: "Oh you're leaving? See you and please do not let the door hit you on the way out."
Well, I could swear she told Felicity that.
So there are seven of us now, but rumor is that She is inviting two more girls to come and live with us. I hope one of them is as intellectually stimulated as I am.
Well, I'd better sign off. Tomorrow is a day off of school, and a completely free day, because She is going to the Olympics all day long. So here we go:
1) Sit in bed and read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the eighth time this year.
2) Play a game of Chinese Checkers and Sorry with Ivy and Andi.
3) Watch the Samantha movie with Chrissa, who has been begging for someone to watch it with. I said yes because I have the doll Nellie from the Samantha series. Oh yes, by the way, I got an American Girl doll from Elizabeth and She for Christmas. It was quite great, seeing as I have a fondness for American Girl doll collecting.
4) Probably help Nicki in the kitchen. Even though she's a total tattling brat (but shh on that because I think she likes me because I'm quiet) she does not deserve to do everything by herself.
5) Watch the Olympics on TV. Maybe they'll have a picture of Sumi.
6) Continue reading Harry Potter, then log onto She's computer and surf through Narnia wiki, Wookiepedia, etc etc. Also look at photos on AG Playthings and expand my growing wishlist.
See you for now,
Book I'm Reading: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. My goal is to have it memorized by 2011.
Sing I'm listening to: None. She thinks I'm asleep, and I should be, so I'm not risking it by playing any music.
Pics for this Post:
Andi is obsessed with the name Violet because of her...
And her:
See? Isn't he 100x more attractive than the "Graffiti" guy?
Sumi: AKA the last Olympic Mascot that was left when She asked me to name my favorite: she thinks its because I'm "different", I say it's because She is obsessed.
Andi's celebrity crush. Just eww.
Star Wars,
The Olympics,
Valentine's Day
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