But now I feel more comfortable in my life. It's like I've escaped Mrs. Macready by escaping through the wardrobe into Narnia, where life for me is more peaceful. Hopefully I won't be having to fight any White Witches soon, ha ha! :)
But I guess I have met my Mr Tumnus: his name is Joah and I think he is as attractive as some of the Weasley boys. More so than Percy and Charlie and Fred, but on the same level as Bill and George. Ron is just a tad bit more attractive than Joah. Really, Ron is a tad bit more attractive than anyone.
She says that Joah likes bad girls. I can be bad. I've drowned so many people on Rollercoaster Tycoon Two that it's not even funny.
I hope that Joah reads this blog: if you do, Joah, I would very much to like to know you.

So the Olympics are coming up too. I have never been too much into sports, but because She lives and breathes the 2010 Winter Olympics, that kinda means we do too. But the Historical girls, they don't have to participate in the festivities. I hate being told I have to like something that I shouldn't like. It's just like in Star Wars, with me being Leia and the Olympics being Han Solo. Sure, to the untrained eye it might seem like they're madly in love, but give me LukexLeia over that Jones clone any day. Come on, you can totally see that Leia has obviously lost all feelings for Solo by the sixth movie!
Star Wars: A New Hope is almost thirty three years old! I can't believe that it has been that long since George Lucas came up with the five best space movies in history! (We'll talk about number one.) And yet this new girl, Ivy, claims she has never heard of it, even though she's from the 70s. This very much so depressed me, because when I heard that a new historical from the 70s was coming, I was ready for intense Star Wars discussion. But then Ivy came from 1976, and was all like "I don't think I would be interested in a science fiction movie, but I like your shoes." and then I forgot everything about Star Wars and now Ivy and I are best friends, along with Andi who is a bit friendlier. I guess since the soccer field has been shut down for three months because of weather, Andi has lost interest in soccer. She likes being girly now, too, which is scary. She wants to take figure skating and be in the Olympics in 2014. She also has a huge celeb crush on the boy from "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" and is very much into "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and "The Incredibles" because she likes the name 'Violet'.
Have to finish up, because it is past lights-out. The two Colonial girls, Felicity and Elizabeth, have moved out. The girls who have lived here longer were sad, except for Nicki. She really has no feelings I guess. She was all like: "Oh you're leaving? See you and please do not let the door hit you on the way out."
Well, I could swear she told Felicity that.
So there are seven of us now, but rumor is that She is inviting two more girls to come and live with us. I hope one of them is as intellectually stimulated as I am.
Well, I'd better sign off. Tomorrow is a day off of school, and a completely free day, because She is going to the Olympics all day long. So here we go:
1) Sit in bed and read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the eighth time this year.
2) Play a game of Chinese Checkers and Sorry with Ivy and Andi.
3) Watch the Samantha movie with Chrissa, who has been begging for someone to watch it with. I said yes because I have the doll Nellie from the Samantha series. Oh yes, by the way, I got an American Girl doll from Elizabeth and She for Christmas. It was quite great, seeing as I have a fondness for American Girl doll collecting.
4) Probably help Nicki in the kitchen. Even though she's a total tattling brat (but shh on that because I think she likes me because I'm quiet) she does not deserve to do everything by herself.
5) Watch the Olympics on TV. Maybe they'll have a picture of Sumi.
6) Continue reading Harry Potter, then log onto She's computer and surf through Narnia wiki, Wookiepedia, etc etc. Also look at photos on AG Playthings and expand my growing wishlist.
See you for now,
Book I'm Reading: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. My goal is to have it memorized by 2011.
Sing I'm listening to: None. She thinks I'm asleep, and I should be, so I'm not risking it by playing any music.
Pics for this Post:
Andi is obsessed with the name Violet because of her...
And her:
See? Isn't he 100x more attractive than the "Graffiti" guy?
Sumi: AKA the last Olympic Mascot that was left when She asked me to name my favorite: she thinks its because I'm "different", I say it's because She is obsessed.
Andi's celebrity crush. Just eww.