Hi y'all! It doesn't appear that I've blogged in a long time, and I apologize about that. I've just been really busy with school this year. Being in Grade Nine really takes up a lot of my time, especially since I got a part in our school's musical.

What? You didn't know that I was in Hairspray, Broadway's Big Fat Musical Hit? Why, yes, dear reader, I am.
And what's more, I'm an understudy for one of the Dynamites (a trio of singers)! I find that pretty impressive, especially since this is my second musical ever. Christin and Nicki are both in it too: Nicki is Penny Pingleton's understudy, which is pretty impressive as she's only in 7th grade. I'm honestly a bit jealous because I wanted to be Penny, but I guess I'm not that good.
Well, other than that, school's been pretty... school-ish. We had exams at the end of January and I did really well, even on History, which is my worst subject.
I got a really high average on my report card, and I was promised new sunglasses,
the kind that Darren Criss from Glee wears...
.. except the one's I found were blue, and looked like this..
.. but then after they arrived, I decided that, unfortunately, they didn't suit me and so some other girl in our boarding house got them. I say "some other girl" because she really is "some other girl".
Literally. She's been around since before exams in January, and nobody knows who she is. Well, I'm sure that Miss J knows, but she refuses to tell us, too. So we're completely in the dark.
Speaking of 'in the dark', Miss J is hiding something else from us. She's really terrible sometimes. I wish she'd just tell us what was goin
g on.
I'm looking at other blogs while I'm reading this, like bearpicnic's Hannah's blog, and I realized that their blogs are more illustrated and more focused on one topic. I wonder why mine isn't... hmm...
Anyways, I've got to be running. I want to go surf mugglenet now. I promise that I'll write soon!
This is a picture that I found of me last year. At least, I think it's me. I can't really tell.
Shall I do the Song I'm Listening To then? Mmkay, here we go...
Today's song is Granger Danger from the viral musical A Very Potter Musical. I like this song not only because it is my favorite Harry Potter character..
.. with one of my least favorite..
.. and have them both sing about a character that I feel mutual about.
Plus, it's catchy and I find that I'll be singing it for days after hearing it a couple times on youtube or something. Which is fine, because it's just so good.
Epiphany: I should get a tumblr account. I use too many pictures from tumblr for my own good.
Also, I've decided maybe I should get a catchy phrase to say at the end of every blog. Today:
Salut, Delilah!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your part in Hairspray! I have never see it before, but I heard it was good. I'm looking forward to more posts. You have a good personality.